
Archive for the ‘photos’ Category

Asher: “Mum, I have a question.”

Chancery: “Did you see him raise his hand to ask a question? That was funny!”

Asher: “Mum, do we really have to do these pictures week after week?”

“We do it so that Grandma & Grandpa can see you every week.”

Chancery: “Wouldn’t it be easier if they just came for more visits?”

Asher: “I suppose taking pictures isn’t such an ordeal, since we can pretty much do whatever we want while Mum snaps away.”

Chancery: “In that case, let’s read your book!”

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Today’s Sunday Pics

Without further ado……….


A: “I have an evil plan to thwart Mum’s Sunday picture-taking.”


C: “I know what you are planning, & I think it would just be easier if we just co-operate w/ her.”


A: “You’re right, maybe I should rethink this.”


A: “Here’s my smile, Mum, & I’m off!”


C: “What, you let HIM go & I’m still here?”


C: “I’m simply too tired to do anymore pictures.”

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Sorry about last Sunday’s lack of photos.  Here’s the ones I managed to get:

“Smile, kids!


Asher: “Buuurp!”


Chancery: “I can’t believe he did that!  How uncouth!”


A: “It wasn’t me, Mum!”


C: “One should cover one’s mouth, like so, if one is going to belch!”


C: “These stripes are mesmerising!”


“Just give a good smile, then you can go.”


A: “See you next week!”

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Sunday Pictures part 2

Sunday, November 2 -Chancery 11.5 weeks, Asher 2


A: So, I’m supposed to hold her like this?


A: She doesn’t seem to be co-operating very well.


A: Chancery, could you please move a bit to your left?


A: I asked you to please stop leaning on me!


A: Now you can sit up all by yourself!

C: See, Mum?  I TOLD you he picks on me!


C: Are we almost done yet?  I have an appointment.


A: If I smile can I have ice cream?


C: How come I never get any ice cream?


A: She’s touching me again!

C: I was just trying to see if he had any ice cream!

More to come……..

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It’s Real Life

I’m having a go at the “It’s Real Life” blog party. Here are pics from my real life (keep in mind that b/c we are packing to move, things are probably a bit messier/tidier than they would normally be in real life!) Without further ado, here’s my real life:

Usually the fridge would be covered w/ pictures & magnets, but since my fridge died recently, it’s been clean ever since.

The inside has less stuff than normal b/c we are moving & I’m TRYING to use up what we have.


Chad & my closet. We came from a house where we each had our own closet this size…. I think we are doing pretty well sharing it!

Kitchen Sink:No dishwasher, so those dishes are drying. I decided if I have to wash after every meal, I am NOT drying the dishes too.

Toilet:Here’s our throne.

Favourite Shoes:
I’m glad it’s getting warm enough again!

Favourite Room In The House:
I like to sit in the bit chair & read/watch TV after Asher’s in bed.

What Asher’s Doing Right Now:
He’s not in his jammies, but I didn’t want to wake him, so here’s an older pic. Imagine he’s 2 months older.

Laundry Pile:
Not much here b/c I just did it yesterday, but I am anal enough to have it sorted into darks & lights.

Self Portrait:
Here I am!

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I finally got the pictures from our trip loaded into the blogs they pertain to. Scroll through to see them!

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Being a Single Mum

For the past 2 days I have been a single mum. We got back from England on Wednesday afternoon, & on Thursday morning bright & early, Chad left to go on a men’s retreat for church. He’ll be back tomorrow night, & I’ll be quite glad to get him back.

Asher’s been really great I must say, but I do miss having Chad around. It’s nice to have someone ask if you’re coming to bed, if you’d like a bowl of ice cream, or how your day has been. I have been dealing with a bit of jet-lag still, more on Asher’s part than mine. He’s been waking up around 4:30am, but relatively easy to get back to sleep. He got up this morning at 7:30 which was really nice since I didn’t have to have the alarm set at all either.

We’ve just been hanging out at home the past 2 days. I kinda figured that since he hasn’t had much time to play w/ toys the last few weeks & we’ve been on the go pretty steady for the past month it was a nice break for us both, but I think we’re going to go out tomorrow. Part of the reason for my hibernation the past few days has also been the weather. The thermometer says it’s warmish, but as soon as I get outside, the wind freezes me to the core. Perhaps at our next house I’ll invest in a weather station so I’ll know both the temp & the wind chill.

Today I worked on getting our pictures from our trip uploaded to the internet, & I did something a little crafty. This may surprise those of you who know me b/c I am neither creative, nor patient for this type of thing, but I made a scrapbook online. I liked the fact that I will have a nice photo book complete with captions saying where the pictures are taken & what they are of, & yet I didn’t have to cut, trim, paste, glue, or tape any pictures & I really didn’t have to be all that crafty. I will have 56 pages of trip photos sent to my door for under $20. I think that’s a great deal.

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The other day I was thinking how cool it would be if life had a playback button. Not a REWIND button, as most people would prefer I’m sure, but just a playback. Like if your whole life were recorded, and you could just take an hour every now and then to review something. “That’s what we have memories for!” I can hear you say, but they don’t always stay true to how things were either. And I’m not just talking about WATCHING things in the past, but also to remember the feelings you had while you were in that moment. Ok, this would be nice for big things like your wedding, or the birth of your children (minus the painful parts), but also for some decisions you made. Sometimes I wonder what was going through my head when I made some decisions, not that I want to change them, I’m perfectly happy with where those choices have gotten me, but I just wonder what was going on in the snippets of memory that aren’t there anymore, you know?
For instance, I’d like to see the part of my life where Katie and April and I made our club in the woods. Some of the times when our whole neighbourhood would get together in the evenings and play softball on the field across from our house. I’d like to relive some of the Cross Country races from highschool. I want to remember more of the times I spent with Theresa in junior high. The 8th grade camping trip to Oswald West state park. Camping with the youth group at Jesus Northwest & Creation. Clarissa and I shopping at Value Village. Dordt pit parties, and going to Twisters. Dancing with Ian & Fiona at Walkabout in London. Playing Dutch Blitz with the cousins at Christmas. Camping with Rubinos. I remember these times were fun, but I don’t remember anything really specific about them. Maybe part of that comes with getting older, that your memory fails you more…. But I don’t even just mean the good times. Sometimes I’d like to be able to remember the rotten times better too, maybe so I could see how far past that I’ve gotten……
I suppose in some ways this should also be a lesson to cherish the everyday times more right now so I DO remember more later in life….. and take lots of PICTURES!!
(and if any of you could help out with any of these memorable moments, I’d welcome your reminiscence.)

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